Anyway, if you’re having problems while trying to access BIOS on your Windows 10 system, don’t panic. You can try to fix the Windows skips BIOS problem with the help of the following troubleshooting solutions.
What can I do if Windows skips BIOS?
1. Make sure you are using the appropriate reboot sequence
There are times when you might be using the wrong reboot sequence. Even though it might look like Windows is skipping BIOS, in fact, your system might be loading everything extra fast. So, you must act quickly in order to access BIOS and in that matter, you need to know the right keyboard combination required in this situation. How do you get into the BIOS in Windows 10? Be aware that accessing BIOS is different from one configuration to another. That’s why the right thing to do will be to access your manufacturer’s documentation. Overall, you can go into BIOS by pressing repeatedly on F1, F2, F10, F12, or Delete. You can also choose to press these keyboard keys while pressing and holding the Power button. Anyhow, if Windows is indeed skipping BIOS, try the next troubleshooting solutions for fixing this system malfunction.
2. Verify boot options and restart to UEFI
Windows Troubleshooter has stopped working? Check this guide to solve the issue quickly!
3. Run a system scan
Sometimes, after a new Windows update is installed, or after you flash a new program, the BIOS is skipped during the Windows reboot sequence. In that situation, you can try to run a system scan as the default Windows troubleshooter can fix any related malfunctions. Use the procedure described above in that regard. SPONSORED If you’re having trouble accessing Command Prompt as an admin, then you better take a closer look at this guide.
4. Update BIOS
If Windows skips BIOS it might be because of outdated software. Thus, before trying anything else you should make sure that BIOS is up to date. Once more, the update process depends on your own manufacturer so check its documentation or just access its official webpage and download any available BIOS updates. Then, try to access UEFI on the next Windows reboot.
5. Reset BIOS
The last troubleshooting solution to apply refers to a reset process. Shortly, you should reset BIOS. In this way, you will get a fresh start and any related problems can be automatically fixed. Usually, you can complete this reset by removing the BIOS battery. Now, depending on certain motherboards you might be able to use a dedicated reset button situation during which the battery doesn’t have to be removed. Anyway, in this case, you will have to disassemble your computer so be careful – if you are not a tech enthusiastic, a better idea will be to ask for more experienced assistance. The solutions explained above should help you fix the Windows skips BIOS issue. However, if you are still experiencing this problem, try to describe the situation in detail, by using the comments area below. Based on the details you offered, we will try to find additional troubleshooting solutions.
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