This can be very frustrating especially if you want to make some edits or want to check them out before sharing them with friends or colleagues on social networks.

Why is my computer saying it doesn’t support JPG?

When Windows 10 won’t open JPG files, it could be either due to corrupted files or missing updates on the computer. One of the fastest things to try if your computer’s Windows 10 won’t open JPG files is installing any pending and latest Windows Updates, and also running the apps troubleshooter and check if it helps with the issue. Or using a third-party app. Should these not yield the desired results, try other solutions listed below.

How do I open a JPG that is not supported on Windows 10?

1. Set a default program to open JPG files

You can’t open Control Panel on Windows 10? Take a look at this step-by-step guide to find a solution.

2. Download third-party viewers

You can try installing a third-party photo viewer if your default one doesn’t work, and then associate this with your image formats like JPG, PNG, etc. Adobe Photoshop is one of the best options for that. Photoshop supports all major compression formats like Large Document Format (PSB), Cineon, DICOM, IFF, JPEG, Photoshop PDF, Photoshop Raw, PNG, Portable Bit Map, and TIFF. Use Adobe Photoshop to easily view, edit, and convert multiple files with the built-in Image Processor. You can even convert files to JPEG, PSD, and TIFF formats simultaneously. To optimize and save JPEG images for use on the web, simply use the Save As menu option from Choose File, then select JPEG as the file format type for the image. Let’s quickly look at its key features:

Lens Blur and Improved Content-Aware Fill Object Selection Tool (for fast and precise selections) More control in the Warp tool to add control points anywhere More controls in a central location plus convenient Quick Actions Fresh gradients, patterns, swatches, layers, styles, and shapes

3. Run a DISM ScanHealth

Once the repair is complete, reboot your computer and check if the problem persists, after which you can run an SFC scan as described in the next solution. The DISM ScanHealth scans the image for any component store corruption while RestoreHealth performs repair operation automatically, then records those to the log file. Perform both scans to resolve the issue. SPONSORED Note: The DISM tool usually takes 15 minutes or longer to complete, so do not cancel when it is running. If you’re having trouble accessing Command Prompt as an admin, then you better take a closer look on this guide.

4. Run an SFC scan

This scan checks whether there are broken Windows components in your computer when Windows 10 won’t open JPG files. If it still does not work, then try the next solution.

5. Install and update drivers in Windows 10

Most programs created for earlier versions of Windows may run poorly, or not at all, so you can install and update drivers in Windows 10 and see if it helps. Additionally, running the program compatibility troubleshooter will detect and fix some of these issues. If the Troubleshooter stops before completing the process, fix it with the help of this complete guide.

6. Delete outdated registry keys

Sometimes Windows 10 won’t open JPG files because registry entries are outdated, but you can restore it by modifying the registry and following the above steps carefully. Can’t access the Registry Editor? Things aren’t as scary as they seem. Check out this guide and solve the issue quickly. Also, if this is too much work, and you’re looking for some software to clean your registry, here are the best registry cleaners available right now. Have any of these solutions helped you fix the Windows 10 won’t open JPG files problem? Let us know by sharing your comments in the section below. Leave there any other suggestions or questions, as well.

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