Case in point: Google Drive which has been found to reduce others to crawling speed till the time files are uploaded or downloaded to and from the cloud storage. However, that sure can be taken care of and justice meted out to the other apps with just a few simple steps. Here we go.

What can I do if Google Drive is slowing down my PC?

1. Restart Google Drive’s process

This is often the most basic preventive method used to solve many an issue. In this case, stopping Google Drive operations in your PC will bring to an end all that is causing your PC to slow down, including de-clogging the RAM. Here is how to stop Google Drive.

2. Restart Google Drive

This will make the cloud service to start again on your PC and should be working fine.

3. Manually limit Google Drive data transfer rate

Google Drive is known to use up the entire bandwidth, or the lion’s share of it to get about doing its job. That happens to be the primary reason why the cloud storage service has been found to cause Windows 10 to lag. Here is how to limit the data transfer rate for Google Drive to use to free up bandwidth for other applications to use.

4. Limit files to be uploaded

Another way to prevent Windows 10 to be bogged down by Google Drive is to ensure it is only the files that you need to be backed up in the cloud gets stored in Google Drive, and not your entire hard drive. Practicing the above steps should be enough to help your Windows 10 PC to retain its proficiency and speed irrespective of Google Drive getting about doing its job. In fact, the above steps are more about taming Google Drive to act in a manner that other apps do not have to wait for internet bandwidth and restore a sort of order in your PC. We hope you managed to fix the issue of Google Drive slowing down your PC. Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

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